PRIME Omnidirectional Speech Protector

An effective omnidirectional jammer that protects you from all types of eavesdropping

The efficient PRIME omnidirectional jammer ensures that your meetings are discreet and safe. With our PRIME jammer you don’t have to worry about being recorded or eavesdropped
on in a meeting.

  • Ultrasonic noise protects against eavesdropping with microphones and bugs
  • Acoustic noise protects against eavesdropping by a laser or stethoscopic microphone
  • Several modes of jamming
  • Ensures a secure and discreet meeting wherever it is needed
  • The jammer is easy to handle and it can be easily transferred as needed

The omnidirectional ultrasonic noise generator blocks microphones up to 1-1.5 metres (3-5 ft) for modern phones and up to 3 metres (10 ft) for older phones. It can easily permeates clothing as well. The jammer interferes with the entire 360 degree range.

Thanks to the acoustic noise you can be sure that no one will eavesdrop on you with a stethoscope or laser microphone. Not even a third party will be able to eavesdrop on your meetings up to a distance of 30 metres (98 ft).

The PRIME omnidirectional speech protector is the successor to one of our best-selling products, the EO-1. Unlike its predecessor, it has improved ultrasound software as well as a processor. It is compatible with our app, which is available for both iOS and Android.

A total of 41 ultrasoud generators with an intensity of 128-132 dB creates a strong ultrasonic barrier for the microphones of modern phones, as well as for modern dictaphones and eavesdropping devices.

  • Digital and analog voice recorders
  • Dictaphones in mobile phones
  • Eavesdropping remotely through windows using laser and stethoscope microphones
  • Built-in and directional microphones
  • Eavesdropping devices with 220 V mains supply
PRIME Omnidirectional Speech Protector


Weight1,3 kg
Rangeultrasound: 3 meters (10 ft), acoustic noise: 30 meters (98 ft)
Intensity of ultrasonic interference41 × 128-132 dB
Acoustic interference power3W
Size of the device20 cm × 20 cm × 6,2 cm

Functions of ultrasound

Ultrasonic noise is effective against eavesdroppers that record sound, as it can completely overwhelm microphones. The recording will be degraded to contain only noise. All confidential information will remain safe. In addition, ultrasound is not audible to the human ear, so it does not interfere with the flow of the meeting.


Acoustic noise

Acoustic noise protects from eavesdropping methods for which the ultrasonic noise is insufficient, using a stethoscopic or laser microphone. This makes eavesdropping through a wall or window pane impossible. It works by randomly generating words to overlay your conversation. It also has the advantage that you can record your own voice. A distance of 10-20 cm (4-8 in) from the device and a quiet environment is required for recording. It will protect you from the latest forensic recording cleaning methods.


Easy to install

You don’t need to configure the omnidirectional jammer. Everything is conveniently set up using the remote control.

Presentation and Purchase of the Products

If you are interested, please contact our sales department who will discuss your security options with you. Please send your enquiry with your contact details to: