Mobile Application Penetration Testing

Like all other applications, mobile apps also suffer from vulnerabilities that can be exploited by attackers to leak sensitive data or steal financial assets from users. The consequences can include not only a loss of trust but also harm the company’s reputation and cause major financial damage in an attempt to fix the vulnerabilities. Prevent this with mobile application penetration testing.

What we offer

Our dedicated team of certified experts simulates real-world attacks on applications and searches for vulnerabilities that can be exploited in the event of a potential attack. They use OWASP methodology as well as know-how gained from years of cybersecurity experience. The simulations carried out during the allocated time budget aim to test the application’s ability to withstand external attacks. These simulations focus on:

Mobile apps penetration testing gives you insight into critical vulnerabilities that can be exploited in the event of a cyber-attack. Learn how to fix them before the application becomes accessible to the users themselves. Once the penetration testing is complete, you’ll receive a log of the vulnerabilities found, including instructions on how to fix them.


If you are interested to get a quote, contact us. An online meeting will be arranged to estimate the total cost.